More Evidence Of Climate COOLING

As the globe [moderately warms] since the end of the Little Ice Age, alarms have been sounded worldwide concerning retreating glaciers. The reason for the warming remains hotly disputed: alarmists blame it on man-made CO2 while skeptics say natural factors are just as much at play, if not more so.

Very Little Retreat

Norwegian NRK here reported “several of the largest glaciers have almost not shrunk” during this past summer.

Since 1962 experts have been monitoring the Nigardsbreen glacier, an arm of Jostedalsbreen located in Vestland county.

The summer of 2020 has seen the sixth slowest result in about half a century. “If we get more such summers to come, then the glacier front will grow forward again,” says Even Loe in Statkraft.

“The glacier is named after the farm Nigard, which was crushed by the glacier in 1748. At that time the front of the glacier stopped about 4.5 km further ahead than it is today,” reports the NRK.

Experts attribute this past summer’s stagnation to “a good winter with a lot of snow.”

“The Nigardsbreen glacier has actually grown bigger.”


US Impact

In addition to Norway, the United States is seeing the same cooling affects.

Glacier National Park officials are scrambling to remove signs suggestion the glaciers will be gone soon.

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